25 billion downloads in the App Store


We are trying to figure out when we should start downloading apps in the app store to be the 25,000,000,000th download.  The number is 24,658,507,655 downloads rights now at Friday 24th at 6:27 PM. The average number of downloads per minute is 34,237. I subtracted  25,000,000,000(the end number) by 24,658,507,655(the downloads now) getting the answer of 341,389,779 downloads left until it is over. So I divided 341,389,779(the number left) and 34,237(downloads per minute) to get 9,971. Than I divided 60 by 9,971 because there is 60 minutes in an hour. After that I got 166, I than divided 24 by 166 because that is how many hours in a day. I than got the answer of 7, making it 7 more days till it reaches the 25,000,000,000th download. If I started on Feb 24 at 6:30PM(knowing its a leap year) and add seven days to that I am than at March 2 at 6:30PM. I am guessing that the downloads will start to get faster towards the ends so I am going to start downloading about 5:30PM an hour before on March 2.

My Math Progress

In math I have inproved a lot since the beginning of the year. I have had an A since the beginning but now I feel like a know a lot more since the beggining of the year. I have learned so much in math and I am glad to see my inprovement in life and in my grades. I feel like I have came along since last year and I am glad to see my inprovment in math for the neer future when I go to collage and get a job. Math is everywhere in life and I am glad When I grow up I will be able to use math in my every day life. I will be able to understand math!

math class

There are many things that I do like about math calss. Some things I like is being on the computer and writing blogs. I also like moving around in class but I wish we could move around more often. Another thing I like is being able to use a cauclator but not on tests, it teaches me how to mutiply big numbers on a white board and also divide big numbers. I have really loved how we can take the tests over and over again till we know it and are able to do a very good job on the tests. So far I have enjoied this math class and all the retests, movement, and blogs. I do wish for maybe a few more class conversations about the lessons because being able to show on a white board and for you to check if i am doing it right or correct me on anything I am doing wrong really does teach me.

student led confrences

This year I have learned a lot of new things this year. This year I have leanred how to do many things like i can now add and subtract negative numbers. I can also simiplify expressions using exponets pretty well now. I was never able to evalute postive, zero, and negative numbers. This year I have mainly gotten A’s and B’s on the tests. I can perform the distributive properties, but it was very hard but it got easier as we went. I am not that good at combining like terms and combining like terms using the distributive propties. I am pretty happy with my grade I now have in this class. I now have an A in here and im glad to have gotten that from the tests in hre!

Estimating Square Root of 87

First step of finding the square root is finding the perfect squares closest to the number 87. I found for a low square root 81.

By mutiplying 9 by itself you get 81 over 9. I found the higher perfect square of 100 by timesing 10 by itself.


After that, I found that 87 is closer to 81. Its not in between the numbers because  if it was it would be 91.5 making the number an obivous 9.5. But in that case the number 87 is closer to 81 than it is to 100. So knowing that I guess the number 9.4 to start out with. So to do this you have to times 9.4 times itself.


88.36 is very close to 87 but I belive I can get closer. So next I try 9.3.


We are getting very, very close but I am going to take it to the tenths decimal. So I know the number is alittle higher than 9.3 so I am going to true 9.34.


I belive that is the closest I am going to get to the number 87.


About Me

My name is Kathryn Bowers! I play travel soccer and I run track. I love hanging out with friends and family. I dont have much time in the evenings because of homework and soccer. My favorite subject in school is history and science. I really love dogs and I have one named Pike.




First Test!

The first test was a bit confuseing at first but once you studied the multiplying and dividing negative numbers it was pretty easy. You just always have to remember that if you times or divide a number with the same signs you answer will be postive and if you do that with different signs your answer will be negative.