math class

There are many things that I do like about math calss. Some things I like is being on the computer and writing blogs. I also like moving around in class but I wish we could move around more often. Another thing I like is being able to use a cauclator but not on tests, it teaches me how to mutiply big numbers on a white board and also divide big numbers. I have really loved how we can take the tests over and over again till we know it and are able to do a very good job on the tests. So far I have enjoied this math class and all the retests, movement, and blogs. I do wish for maybe a few more class conversations about the lessons because being able to show on a white board and for you to check if i am doing it right or correct me on anything I am doing wrong really does teach me.

student led confrences

This year I have learned a lot of new things this year. This year I have leanred how to do many things like i can now add and subtract negative numbers. I can also simiplify expressions using exponets pretty well now. I was never able to evalute postive, zero, and negative numbers. This year I have mainly gotten A’s and B’s on the tests. I can perform the distributive properties, but it was very hard but it got easier as we went. I am not that good at combining like terms and combining like terms using the distributive propties. I am pretty happy with my grade I now have in this class. I now have an A in here and im glad to have gotten that from the tests in hre!